
QualiChem Eqo-Max 716 CSF (22 cSt)

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QualiChem Eqo-Max 716 CSF (22 cSt)

QualiChem Eqo-Max 716 CSF (22 cSt)


SKU: QCM716CSFEMAX Category:


QualiChem Eqo-Max 716 CSF is a vegetable oil based cutting fluid with superior oxidation resistance. The vegetable oil basestock was carefully chosen for its resistance to thermal and oxidative breakdown even when used in the most rigorous of cutting and grinding applications.

Eqo-Max 716 CSF will provide superior lubrication in a wide variety of applications and is safe to use on all metals. Eqo-Max 716 CSF is very light in color with a low viscosity providing excellent cooling and good penetration at the point of cut.

Eqo-Max716 CSF does not contain any chlorine or sulfur making it suitable for medical, electronic and aerospace applications.

Eqo-Max 716 CSF provides outstanding lubrication to reduce cycle times and improve surface finishes on your most critical parts.

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