
QualiChem Xtreme-Grind TS

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QualiChem Xtreme-Grind TS

QualiChem Xtreme-Grind TS




QualiChem Xtreme-Grind TS is a high purity low viscosity grinding oil designed for straight oil grinding applications that utilize low micron filtration systems. Xtreme-Grind T meets the specifications for Transor filtration systems and is suited for a wide variety of grinding applications where low viscosity and fine filtration is required.

Xtreme-Grind TS can be filtered to 1 micron levels without affecting performance. It does not contain extreme pressure additives such as: sulfur, chlorine or phosphorous. Xtreme-Grind TS is suitable for aerospace and medical applications where the use of halogens and sulfur are prohibited.

Xtreme-Grind TS provides good lubrication at the point of grind while maintaining a clean free cutting wheel. It also has good oxidation resistance and viscosity stability providing extended sump life.

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